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Bettyann Cernese
Pepperell, MA

“I Find Zero Balancing to be a very gentle yet powerful technique. The technique itself is extremely gentle, and Bettyann is a very gentle, kind person with amazing hands and an extraordinary gift for healing. In Zero Balancing, Bettyann would support or apply light pressure to various parts of my body and the effect was a deep sense of unwinding or unraveling of tension and re-setting back to a more peaceful state, both physically and mentally.”
~ Alison C.
Client since 2006

…increases feelings of health and wellbeing.
…releases stress and improves the flow of energy in your body.
…reduces pain and discomfort.
…enhances stability, balance and freedom.
…amplifies the sense of connection, peace and happiness.
…releases mental, emotional and physical tension.

“Zero Balancing proceeds from the value that the deepest nature
of each person has in it goodness, light and freedom.”
~Jim McCormick, L.Ac., Zero Balancing Faculty, Cambridge, MA

What is Zero Balancing?
Zero Balancing (ZB) is transformational, hands-on, clothes-on bodywork which addresses the body, mind and spirit.  Designed to consciously focus on both the structural and energetic anatomy of the body, ZB is a holistic approach which supports the body’s ability to balance and reorganize naturally and easily.  Focusing on the bones and joints of the body, ZB can offer significant improvement in structural alignment and a sense of well-being.

How Zero Balancing May Benefit You
Regular Zero Balancing releases stress and tension within the body and the mind and relieves symptoms caused by energetic or structural imbalance. By aligning energy with structure, ZB enhances the body’s natural healing processes and supports health.
Many people initially seek ZB to relieve specific symptoms, but continue to receive sessions as their quality of life improves.

What to Expect During a ZB Session
A typical ZB session is both refreshing and deeply relaxing, taking from 30 to 40 minutes.  After an initial discussion, where you share information about your current state of health, and a brief evaluation of the tension held in your bones and joints, you will be asked to lie on your back, fully clothed on the massage table.

The session consists of structural, yet gentle, finger pressure points (called “fulcrums”) which invite a release of tension in your body.  The session follows a carefully developed protocol, working the lower body first followed by the upper body.  This consistency creates a sense of security, allowing for deeper, more healing work.

To learn more about Zero Balancing visit


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